ps3 media server video keeps freezing
PS3 Media Server 1.82 - Version History -
Dec 11, 2010. I run PS3 Media Server from one partition and my codec packs and other software. Transcoding with PMS can be done on the fly while playing a video. .. The only other thing I can think of is that you have the “Keep DTS Audio”. 600 , but this caused freezing – I dropped it down to 520 and we're golden.
Any ideas why it works fine, but then starts freezing? e8400 3.00. [Thread-235] DEBUG 22:02:51.071 Wrote on socket: Connection: keep-alive.
Installed the plugin, am able to see the addons from XBMC on my ps3.. buffer status keeps building, upto a point where the stream freezes n stops. of the folder in the ps3 or wished you could group all videos with the same.
PS3 Media Server • View topic - Freezing at end of MKV with 1.54.0.
Unofficial: PS3 Media Streaming - PlayStation® Community Forums.
MKV video stops playing at approximately 10:30 and the sound keeps going. I'm able to do a 10x fast forward on the PS3 and skip beyond this.
yeah ps3 media server is shit, doesnt work fully with anything.. Does Vuze actually download videos or does it stream it? .. Thats why i copy my files on to a USB stick and then if i dont want to keep the file just leave. a while, iTunes streams fine, but when it comes to video, it tends to freeze intermittently.
Jun 26, 2008. Fingers crossed that it gets fixed; we'll keep you posted with any findings and if. try and tell your transcoding media server to downsample the video to. When I select a movie to watch the media server sends the PS3 2MB of.
The two things might be related, so try either or both if java keeps freezing and crashing. Increase Java heap size - In your PS3 Media Server.
Latest changelog: PS3 Media Server 1.82 Engines: - dcraw Thumbnailer: - Fix image. Help us keep the list up to date and submit new video software here.
PS3 Media Server is a DLNA compliant Upnp Media Server for the PS3, written in Java. Help us keep the list up to date and submit new video software here.
PS3 Media Server • View topic - Java crashes and will stop.
ps3 media server video keeps freezing
My 60gb ps3 keeps freezing please help!! -
weeee are not your kind of peeeeeeeople :: View topic - PS3 to.
Jul 9, 2011. Filed under: PS3 Media Server Leave a comment. Comments .. I'm running vSB60 and my video keeps freezing up every 20 minutes or so.